Many industries/sectors require the transportation of dangerous substances, or dangerous goods. nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. considers itself market leader in the Overnight Express Service: goods that are urgently needed are transported safely by nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. network at night – this also includes shipments with dangerous substances. Examples of which are pyrotechnic articles (airbags) that are used in the automotive industry or chemicals used in the healthcare sector.
nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. transports dangerous goods in accordance with the ADR regulations under the following conditions:
- Limited quantities (LQ) ADR Chapter 3.4
- Excepted quantities (EQ) ADR Chapter 3.5
- The 1,000 points rule, ADR Chapter with a limitation per transport unit
In which countries does nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. transport your dangerous goods?
nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. accepts LQ, EQ and shipments below the 1,000 points rule for the following countries:
- Germany
- Benelux
- Denmark
- Austria
- Poland
- Slovakia
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
For the following countries, nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. accepts only LQ and EQ:
- France
- Switzerland (1,000 points rule on request)
The transportation of dangerous goods to Croatia, Romania and Italy is only possible in consultation.
The following countries do not accept dangerous goods:
- Great Britain
- Ireland
- Sweden
What are the conditions?
Strict requirements apply to the transportation of dangerous substances:
- Dangerous goods may only be handed over with a signed ‘nox NightTimeExpress Netherlands B.V. Dangerous Goods Agreement’.
- Dangerous goods shall at all times be securely packaged and labelled in accordance with the ADR conditions. Packagings may not show signs of leakage or have traces of the contents on the outside.
- The labels must be directly visible on the outside of the box, pallet (rolling) container, etc. Shipments that fall outside the LQ/EQ exemption (i.e. limited to 1,000 points) shall be accompanied by complete and correct transport documents. You can use the ADR Dangerous Goods Declaration for this. Clicke here for the version in A-5 size.
- For our operational processes to run safely, effectively and efficiently, the goods with dangerous substances shall be delivered for shipment separately from normal goods.
- You can read the detailed conditions in Value Added Service – Dangerous Goods.
Do you have any further questions about the transportation of dangerous substances? Your account manager can provide you with the correct advice should you wish to ship these goods.